Fall 2023 Workshops

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22  |  12:00 - 1:30 PM

PAA Abstract Workshop  
Join us as we give tips, tricks, and assistance on abstract submissions for PAA. Please bring an abstract ready to share with a small breakout group. Deadline to submit an abstract for the conference is October 1st. In-person attendance is preferred if possible. 

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29  |  12:00 - 1:30 PM 

IAPHS Practice Session 
Join us to support those presenting at IAPHS as they practice their posters and presentations. 

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6  | 12:00 - 1:00 PM 

Paper Hatchling  
Paper hatchlings are by sign-up only. Presenters come with a rough idea or concept and other participants help give feedback, pose questions, and help with the development of research questions, papers, and ideas. 

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27  |  12:00 - 1:00 PM

GSA Practice Session  
Join us to support those presenting at GSA as they practice their posters and presentations. 

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3  |  12:00 - 1:00 PM  

On the Market - Practice Job Talk
Zoom in to support Anna Bokun, Population Studies Training Program alum, as she gives a practice job talk. 

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10  |  12:00 - 1:30 PM 

How do I know what data exists? Where do I look for it? How do I look for it? 
University of Minnesota Librarians Kat Gerwig and Danya Leebaw answer these questions and more. In-person attendance is preferred if possible. 

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8  |  12:00 - 1:00 PM 

Paper Hatchling  
Paper hatchlings are by sign-up only. Presenters come with a rough idea or concept and other participants help give feedback, pose questions, and help with the development of research questions, papers, and ideas.